20th October 2013, 23:47 After Steam decided to move all their games to the SteamPipe content system, all Hidden server were giving users the "Steam Validation Rejected" error which resulted in most Hidden servers being empty. The update is slowing rolling out for all Steam users. Updating servers to SteamCMD fixes this. This guide is for Windows only. 1) Download SteamCMD (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD) for your respective system. Extract and run it. This will download all needed files. Double click on Windows. 2) When you see the "Steam>" prompt type in the following: login anonymous You can also log in using your own Steam account but that isn't necessary. force_install_dir :path: In this case we will be using C:/srcds as the path. 3) Installing SRCDS (205) and Source SDK Base 2006 (215). In the Steam> prompt type: app_update 205 validate then after it has completed: app_update 215 validate 4) Download Beta 4b Dedicated Server Package (http://www.hidden-source.com/downloads/hsb4b-full.zip) and Beta 4b Dedicated Server Update 1 (http://www.hidden-source.com/downloads/ ... server.zip) and extract it into your srcds folder. Extract the fix last. If you already have a hidden server just copy the hidden folder to your SRCDS installation folder. 5) WE READY! Type quit in the Steam> promt. Open CMD and cd to your SRCDS installation folder (C:/srcds in our case) cd C:/srcds Type in srcds.exe -console -game hidden +map hdn_docks -maxplayers 9 -autoupdate ATTN: Regarding users being able to connect to the Hidden server but not being able to see it in the server list, this seemed to have worked for me when I updated. Enter this in your server.cfg file sv_master_legacy_mode 0 setmaster remove hl2master.steampowered.com:27011 setmaster remove hl2master.steampowered.com:27015 setmaster add hl2master.steampowered.com:27011 setmaster add hl2master.steampowered.com:27015 heartbeat and this as your launch parameters for your server: -verify_all -retry |